The First Thing You Should Do To Lose Fat | Just For The Health Of It | Ronan Oliveira


We’re joined by Ronan Oliveira head of Mindvalley health and fitness…and he’s here to share the health benefits of weight loss and the ONE hack you need to burn belly fat 💪Get 10x Fitter & Stronger – By Cutting Out 90% Of Your Usual Exercise Time. Watch Ronan’s FREE Masterclass now 👉

How is the fridge in your kitchen like your stomach? 🤔

As Ronan is about to reveal using this really cool analogy…

Intermittent fasting is fast becoming the most effective, easiest, healthiest way to lose weight fast! ⏰

Giving your body a break from eating for 12-16 hour window has so many health benefits, finally giving it a chance to burn stored fat for a healthier, lighter you 🏃‍♀️

For more tips on health and fitness follow Ronan on Instagram 👉

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