How do we raise our awareness against wrong food choices and claim back our health and fitness? Discover health tips on how to lose body fat when you sign up for a FREE Evolution of Health and Fitness masterclass 👉
Vishen Lakhiani informs us that weight loss starts with having the willpower to say no to sugary and processed foods. He learned this when he went on Eric Edmeades WildFit 90 day program. And within 9 weeks, Vishen achieved his own weight loss transformation.
In this video, “How Vishen Reached Peak Levels of Health & Fitness in Less than 9 Weeks,” Vishen talks about the time he met Eric Edmeades and how he has changed the lives of people around the world with WildFit.
1:20 – How Vishen Lakhiani connects with Eric Edmeades
2:55 – Testimonials from those who went on the WildFit program
5:47 – Why diets don’t work
6:50 – Fix food first
7:08 – Advantages of WildFit
After watching this video, you’re probably thinking, “I exercise and follow a strict diet, so I should be able to lose weight.” However, you need to sync your physical and spiritual strength together in order to stay fit.
In fact, doing weight loss exercises are ineffective when you don’t change your diet at all. When you reprogram your mind towards what kinds of food you need to eat and what to eliminate, this is one of the steps on how to lose weight fast.
On your weight loss journey, a combination of yoga, meditation and exercise is all you need to stay healthy. Behavioral modification and reprogramming your mind and attitude towards food is part of the WildFit program. However, Eric Edmeades WildFit program isn’t just a health and fitness plan, it teaches you pure living for life.
Learn how to lose weight without exercise in Eric Edmeades FREE masterclass about The Evolution Of Health & Fitness 👉
Eric Edmeades is an entrepreneur, author, and the creator of WildFit, a health and fitness program that guides you on your weight loss journey.
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