9 Morning Habits To Burn Fat And Boost Your Energy Throughout the Day | Ronan Oliveira


🔥And after a power morning routine, cut 90% of your usual exercise time to get 10x fitter & stronger💪. Watch Ronan’s FREE Masterclass now to learn how 👉

What about these 9 tips you can easily add to your morning routine? Ronan walks us through his fast daily routine he designed after studying, gathering wisdom from many other authors, and practicing what works for him. Learn how to regulate your circadian rhythm, optimize your autopilot function, boost your energy, improve your hydration, and learn how to burn fat from early morning. So remember, don’t skip your Qigong routine from now on!

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About Ronan Oliveira:

💪Ronan Diego de Oliveira is Mindvalley’s Head of Health & Fitness and works alongside the world’s foremost experts in Health & Fitness. Ronan learned the science of Health & Fitness the hard way — by carefully dissecting raw medical studies and testing what he discovered — on his own body.

💪5 years ago, Ronan’s body was deteriorating… With an over-demanding job, he spent a great deal of time feeling sick and tired, his mood was unstable, and his mental focus was almost non-existent — a direct result of lack of exercise, poor diet, and bad sleep.

đź’ŞHe decided to skip the hype, advertising, and conventional ways of exercise and instead learn straight from scientific studies. He reproduced the experiments done by scientists in labs in his own body and saw how his health and fitness started to transform.

💪By applying science, Ronan regained his energy and focus, got strong and healthy, won 1st place out of 11,000 runners in the Viper Challenge, the largest obstacle circuit race competition in Asia — and continued getting faster, fitter, and stronger.

💪Today Ronan coaches people internationally to apply the best methods to get in shape, boost energy, and bring back their “zest” for life.

About the masterclass: “How To Get 10X Fitter & Stronger.”

In this masterclass, you’ll learn:

Why “the more you work out, the fitter you get” is today’s biggest myth in exercise & fitness science — Discover why the latest studies in muscle conditioning prove it’s unnecessary to spend hours a week in the gym – and how you can get even fitter, stronger, and healthier by exercising less.

Terrified cave people & hungry saber-toothed tigers = nature’s best-kept secret to optimal fitness? — Explore the fascinating ways the human body adapts to perceived danger – and how you can safely and rapidly supercharge your strength, agility, and longevity through simple exercises that trigger your body’s evolutionary mechanisms.

The only type of exercise you need to focus on to gain optimal fitness — It’s okay to enjoy cardio, yoga, or traditional gym workouts – but if you want the best results in the least amount of time possible, science shows this is the only form of exercise you need.

Why your regular exercise routine could be destroying your muscle growth and set you up for more excess weight — Some of the most common approaches to exercise – particularly among women – can also be the most damaging to your strength, fitness, weight, and longevity. Discover what they are and what to do instead.

How Vishen Lakhiani cut his exercise time by 90% and got in the best shape of his life after 40 — Gym memberships, personal trainers, best selling fitness programs, and even experimental endurance protocols couldn’t help Vishen get rid of his dad body. Here’s what he did, in exchange for just 15 minutes of exercise, twice a week.

How to achieve extraordinary strength & fitness and look like a Greek god – without even stepping foot in a gym — Global events have left many unable or reluctant to visit the gym regularly. Here’s how you can enjoy comparable results, not with bulky or costly equipment – but just a handful of simple, inexpensive, easy-to-find tools.

🔥So after a power morning routine, cut 90% of your usual exercise time to get 10x fitter & stronger💪. Watch Ronan’s FREE Masterclass now to learn how 👉


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